ReadyWorks Now Highlighted in 5 Gartner Hype Cycles

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The ‘transformational capabilities of a digital platform conductor (DPC) were recently called out in Gartner’s Hype Cycle for Monitoring and Observability 2023, with ReadyWorks highlighted as a representative vendor. As noted, a DPC closes the capability gaps of traditional infrastructure management tools to provide organizations with greater insight into their complex IT estate, helping them to optimize costs, reduce risks, improve the digital employee experience, and “augment strategic decision making and improve the value obtained from technology investments.”

Growing IT complexity is driving the need for observability

As more companies implement formal hybrid working policies and advance digital transformation plans to support business growth, they’ll invest in new devices and digital services. They’ll want to understand device and service performance, security compliance, and user experiences. They’ll turn to advanced monitoring capabilities to help them.

Gartner sees digital transformation driving higher growth in the digital experience monitoring (DEM) market, expecting that by 2025 50% of IT organizations will have established a digital experience (DEX) strategy and management tool, up from 15% in 2022. It also anticipates at least 60% of I&O leaders will implement monitoring capabilities to measure the performance of services and endpoints from the employee’s perspective.

But whether you’re interested in DEM, cybersecurity, or any other kind of monitoring, traditional tools that help IT understand the reasons for a single system failure will not be enough as users interact with myriad endpoints and complex services rely on multiple systems.

The transformational capabilities of a DPC

Gartner sees observability as becoming central to the way that businesses today understand the customer and employee experience and has released its Hype Cycle for Monitoring and Observability 2023 to provide advice on the IT practices, tools, and technologies that enterprises can employ. Gartner Hype Cycles help companies discern from the hype and show the evolution of technology over time, and its potential for meeting particular business needs.

Having already cited a DPC as transformational in four hype cycles last year, Gartner recently noted the transformational capabilities of a DPC for monitoring and observability as well, defining transformational as ‘enabling new ways of doing business across industries that will result in major shifts in industry dynamics’.

The challenge of observability in today’s complex IT environments

With dispersed users potentially accessing services over any network and workloads spread across domains, on-premises resources, and in the cloud, observability is increasingly difficult.

  • Accessing an up-to-date view of the entire estate – devices, users, applications, and interdependencies – is challenging. Managing that data manually exacerbates the issue.
  • With data held across myriad tools and managed by many different teams, gaps, inconsistencies, and duplications can impede observability and change efforts.
  • It’s difficult to see where IT investments should be made or where workloads should be processed (in the cloud or on-premise), to be the most cost-effective or achieve performance goals.
  • Implementing change across the hybrid digital infrastructure requires complex planning, coordination, and orchestration to ensure dependencies are protected and business continuity is maintained. Manually collecting data from disparate, siloed tools increases the possibility of errors and service disruption.  It also increases the time and effort IT must employ to manage change, driving up OpEx and delaying critical programs.
  • Compliance monitoring and reporting is becoming an increasingly onerous task.
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Gain clarity and control over your IT estate. Learn more about ReadyWorks digital platform conductor and applicable use cases.


Augment decision-making and the value of your technology investments

By implementing a DPC, IT teams can cut through growing estate complexity to enable the digital business. A DPC connects to all relevant tools, systems, databases, and other data repositories managed by IT and other teams, delivering clear insight across all domains to augment decision-making and enhance the value of technology investments, including investments in DEM, cybersecurity, and other monitoring tools.


  • Automates real-time data aggregation and analysis, allowing IT to monitor the entire estate and all interdependencies, from any angle at any time.
  • Automates data rationalization, reconciling gaps and duplicate data.
  • Updates source tools with correct information.
  • Orchestrates system tasks and automates admin tasks to improve operational efficiency and allow IT teams to focus their expertise where it is most needed.
  • Provide actionable insights to continually optimize cost, performance, and the end-user experience.
  • Provide real-time program status reports and audit trails for compliance with internal policies and regulatory requirements.

Book a demo to understand how ReadyWorks can enhance observability and monitoring for your organization and gain new insights into your IT estate.

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